Sunday, April 26, 2009

Words with ow and ou; Synonyms

Write answers on your papers. Click START OVER to come back to this page. Only go to these pages. Do not go to other pages.

Read words with ou and ow. Write word sort on your paper.

1. Word sort with OU and OW - Word sort from

This week you will learn about synonyms.
As you play each game, ask yourself, "What is a synonym?" Write synonyms on your paper.

2. Squanky the Tooth Taker - game from

3. Synonym Sam's Lab - game from

Go to Storyline Online. Choose any story. Watch the story. Answer questions about the story on your paper.

4. Storyline Online - Stories from StorylineOnline

Saturday, April 18, 2009

R-controlled ER, UR, IR

Write answers on your papers. Click START OVER to come back to this page. Only go to these pages. Do not go to other pages.

1, 2, and 3 have Center Papers to fill out.

1. Make A Word: R-controlled words - Game from Starfall

2. Surfer Girl - Story from Starfall

3. Word Sort with R-controlled words - Game from Starfall

When you finish 1, 2, and 3, go on to 4, 5, 6, and 7 to review or and ar words.

4. My Horse Glory - Story from Starfall

5. Car Race - Story from Starfall

6. Cheesybreadville Game - Game from PBSkids

7. The a-r Song - song from

Sunday, April 12, 2009

R-controlled OR

Watch this video about Ezra Jack Keats, the author of Whistle For Willie.

When you are done, tell me 3 things you learned about Ezra Jack Keats.

Ezra Jack Keats - About the Author

Now write 3 things you learned about Ezra Jack Keats.

After you write 3 things you learned, you can go to old games on the Ms. Jacobson page.

Write answers on your
papers. Click START OVER to come back to this page. Only go to these pages. Do not go to other pages.

1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 have Center Papers to fill out.

1. Make A Word: Control-OR - Game from Starfall

2. My Horse Glory - Story from Starfall

3. Picture Hunter - Game from Starfall

4. Cheesybreadville Game - Game from PBSkids

5. Cheeesybreadville - Story from PBSkids

When you finish 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, you can go to 6, 7, and 8.

6. Without an ing - Song from PBSkids

7. Without an s - Song from PBSkids

8. Synonym Sam's Lab - Game from PBSkids

Sunday, April 5, 2009

R-controlled AR; inflectional endings, word order

Write answers on your papers. Click START OVER to come back to this page. Only go to these pages. Do not go to other pages.

1, 2, and 3 have Center Papers to fill out.

1. Make A Word: Control AR - Game from Starfall

2. Car Race - Story from Starfall

3. The a-r Song - song from

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are only to watch and play.

4. Without an S - Song from

5. Without an ing - Song from

6. Two Sounds Made By C - Song form

7. Earth Day - Game from Starfall

8. The Good Better Best Trampolini Game - Game from PBSKids (er/est inflectional ending)

9. Monkey Business - Game from GameGoo (Word order)